Cohare List (All Hashes)

All Hashes

The hares who've had the shame of haring with Hawaiian Puke
Hasher Name EventNumber Location
Flying Burrito 215 Pizza Hut
Penis Head 223 Kramer's Bar
Scratched & Sniffed 236 Carriage hill Reserve
Penis Head 265 Kelleys Island
Scratched & Sniffed 265 Kelleys Island
Flying Burrito 277 City Parking Garage
Pigeon Shit 278 Sugarcreek
Studless 278 Sugarcreek
Pointer 283 Englewood Reserve
Lazershit 284 Norton's Bar
Velvet Prick(less) 284 Norton's Bar
Velvet Prick(less) 289 Art Van Atta Pk
Makes Em Cum 297 Germantown Resv
Meatlover 308 Spring Valley Academy
Motor Mouth 308 Spring Valley Academy
Velvet Prick(less) 319 Saville Elementary School
Scratched & Sniffed 339 Whitehaven Park